clean, chemical-free water
reverse osmosis filtering systems
Chemicals, Contaminants and Heavy Metals
better drinking water with ease
There are many different chemicals, contaminants and heavy metals found to be in both private and public Irish Water supplies. Public Water Supplies: Raw water used in public water supplies in Ireland can be taken from rivers and lakes. This water after it is taken from source is then passed through an intake point at the water treatment centre that is fitted with a screen that removes larger items found in the water such as sticks, fish, stones or other unwanted items that we can see floating in our rivers from time to time. After the raw water has been screened it is treated with the addition of chemicals. Some of these chemicals include coagulant, flocculant, Chlorine and Fluoride. There are many other chemicals found in our drinking water supply and some experts estimate there are up to 2000 different chemicals in our water supply. Drinking water supplies in Ireland have also been known to have increased levels of heavy metal such as lead and other contaminates such as Trihalomethanes (THM’s) Microplastics and Aluminum. Some of these chemicals found in Irish water supplies have been linked to serious illnesses.
Private water supplies: Both spring wells and boreholes are commonly found in Ireland and although they don’t have any chemicals added to them at source they can still contain unwanted contaminates such as Nitrates, Ammonia, Heavy Metal, Arsenic and odour. Unless you have a water treatment system installed on your private water supply you should have the water tested regularly.

ready for a better water?
how a reverse osmosis system works?
Reverse Osmosis is by far the most efficient way to filter your drinking water
removing unwanted chemicals and contaminates from both mains water and well
water. Our Irish model NSF reverse osmosis systems are manufactured to a very
high standard and built to specifically to deal with the impurities found in Irish
water supplies.
Watch this video for more details.