Minerals present in water and how they affect us

Water is a source of life. It is packed with the essential minerals that are necessary for human body. But excessive minerals can harm the body more than they benefit it. It is very essential to keep a track of what sort of water you consume. This helps you understand your nutrient intake and if it is getting out of hands. Keeping a track of minerals present in water helps you understand if you are in-taking healthy water. If not, it helps you decide if you need a water filtration system in your home, office, or building.Not all sorts of mineral are needed to be taken out of water. Some might actually be useful for our health. But what are the minerals present in water and how do they affect us?

Minerals in water

Water in our homes starts off from springs and natural water reservoir. Once that water travels its way to our home, it is mixed with a number of minerals which were not there before. There concentration depends on the path that the water passes from. Naturally, and during its journey, water accumulates these minerals:

  • Magnesium
  • Sodium
  • Potassium
  • Iron
  • Zinc
  • Calcium


The daily intake of magnesium is 310–320 mg for adult females and 400–420 mg for adult males. Lower, as well as, higher levels can prove to have adverse effects on health. In case of magnesium deficiency, you are likely to feel fatigue, nausea, loss of appetite and muscle weakens. In case the levels of magnesium is not maintained, extreme deficiency is likely to happen. This will cause numbness or tingling, muscle cramps, low calcium or potassium levels, mood changes, an irregular heartbeat and possibly seizures.


Calcium is a naturally occurring part of water which is added in it through rocks and stones like limestone. It is a well known fact that calcium is good for bones and teeth. The recommended amount of calcium for all age groups range from 1000 - 1500 milligrams. Calcium deficiency can cause disorders like osteoporosis and hypocalcemia.


Iron is one of those minerals that is very harmful if it gets in your drinking water. If you see any discoloration in your house water, that means you have iron content and you need to get rid of it. ASAP. But why? Because Iron has adverse effects in your skin and overall health. Iron in drinking water can cause diabetes, hemochromatosis, stomach problems, nausea, and vomiting. Not only that, iron attracts many bacteria which harm the cells and cause early wrinkles.


All local supplies of water contain less than 20 mg of sodium per liter. But this concentration can increase because of some conditions. This increases levels of salt in water. Excessive salt is not only harmful for human health but also harms houseplants. The daily intake of sodium for adults is roughly around 500mg. Increased intakes can cause high blood pressure, nausea, vomiting, convulsions, muscular twitching and rigidity, and cerebral and pulmonary oedema.

Final words

While all the natural occurring mineral present in water have beneficial effect on human health, they also have adverse effects. Excess of anything is bad but the good thing about water minerals is that you track the excess. If the intake levels are likely or increase, then you need to set up a filter for your water supply. There are a number of filters available for different purposes.If you are unsure about the type of filter you should opt for, then head over to our website to know more about the filtration processes and services.    


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