Is copper silver ionization disinfectant safe and effective?


For centuries people have been trying to get rid of impurities in water and to achieve clean drinking water. copper silver ionization disinfectant sheltered and compelling, Different methods were found to treat dirty water. But some of them were affectionate while others came with some side effects.

In a time period of approximately ten years, the researchers have found the copper-silver ionization more effective than heat shock. Or any other method because this method is long-lasting as compared to others.

How copper-silver ionization cleans the water?

Copper silver ionization disinfectant is popular for purifying the water from Legionella bacteria that causes Legionnaires' disease. The method can deactivate the bacteria and other microbes in still and slow water.

 The positively charged copper ions bind with the negatively charged cell walls of the organism and form certain electrostatic compounds that disturb the permeability of the cell. Copper ions then penetrate through the cell wall making some space for silver ions as well. After that the silver ions bind with the substances present in the cell wall such as the DNA or RNA or cellular proteins etc. and form a compound that ceases activity of the cell and therefore the cell is immobilized.

copper-Silver Ionization Disinfectant

Because of copper-silver ionization disinfectant, safe and effective the biofilm is protected as copper stays in biofilm and forms a residual effect. In this way, the number of legionella bacteria is reduced but not completely eliminated. The number of bacteria can rise again because they are also present in the biofilm. So the copper that is part of the biofilm takes care of this bacteria. When copper and silver ions are added from time to time in the water the number of bacteria remains low.

Is the process effective?

This method is durable because the deactivation rate of copper and silver ionization is less than the UV or ozone hence avoiding the recontamination for a longer period. The copper-silver ions remain in the water until they form precipitation or until they are absorbed by other bacteria or algae and later they are filtered out. The copper-silver affectivity does not depend on water temperature. Through this method, even the dead-end of the water is prevented from contamination.

Durable Method Copper Silver Disinfectant

Apart from its benefit for being a durable method copper silver disinfectant also happens to be non-corrosive causing less strain in the distribution method. Moreover, when more chemicals are used to clean water it has a worse effect on lids and pumps. The use of copper and silver method has no such effect on lids and pumps. This method also prevents contamination in showerheads, tanks, and taps. The copper-silver disinfection frees us from any storage difficulty as well.

Drawbacks of copper-silver ionization disinfectant

Every ease comes with some discomfort similarly copper-silver ionization method may have some drawbacks accordingly. The thing is every chemical reaction happens at a fixed rate. This method strongly depends on the pH of the water. If the water ph value is 9 only one-tenth of the bacteria is deactivated. If high solid concentrations are present in the water the silver precipitates and become no longer available for disinfection. When chlorine or nitrates are percents in the water silver reacts effectively with them and makes them ineffective.

Copper and Silver Ionization Disinfection.

There are some microbes present in the water which can react with silver and produce less toxic compounds. These kinds of microorganisms become resistant to copper and silver ionization disinfection. It is stated that the Legionella bacteria can be resistant to this disinfectant but still copper and silver ionization can reduce their number. because copper-silver ionization disinfectant is safe and effective.

Some of the application of copper and silver ionization

In swimming pools

Copper and silver disinfectant acts as an alternative for chlorine in the swimming pool. However, along with copper and silver, some other disinfectant has to be added as it can remove bacteria but not certain organic substances such as hairs, urine, skin tissues from the pool.

Drinking water

When copper-silver disinfectant is added alongside chlorine in drinking water it works very effectively to remove bacteria and viruses from the water.

In cooling towers

Copper silver ionization can kill Legionella bacteria present in cooling towers. Chlorine also participates along with copper and silver in this process but its concentration is less.

In hospitals and nursing homes

The main medium for the growth of Legionella is the warm water. The contagion can happen in Throop showers. The water in hospitals and nursing homes is purified water filters with the use of copper and silver disinfectant as it deactivates the bacteria effectively.

There should be an affectionate control system for the process:

It is important to keep a complete log of the process before it is applied to any water system. A water analysis must be carried out before the application. The concentration of the copper and silver ions must be measured and the amount of Legionella bacteria. And other microbes should be determined at the temperature of 22’C and 37’C.


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