How To Remove Iron From Water Without Chemicals?

The well water or bore water contains certain unwanted elements in high quantity. While some minerals like calcium and magnesium would have positive impacts on human health, others might not be so friendly. One of the elements present in well water is IRON! The presence of iron in water has a harmful effect on your health as well as home gear - like faucets, taps, floors, tiles, etc. Though today, there are many ways for iron removal water treatment. However, most of them are mere waste of your money and time. The main reason why people end up with a wrong water treatment option is lack of knowledge and understanding.  Well, don’t you worry - as we are here to help you! In this article, we are going to help you understand everything about the ‘Presence of Iron’ in water and what you need to know to remove it! 

Types Of ‘Iron’ Present In Water

The first thing that you need to know for iron removal water treatment is what you are dealing with. Actually, iron has two types - Ferric and Ferrous. But the underground water contains a third type of iron - known as ‘bacterial iron’.  You must be wondering why we are sharing this information here. Well, what water treatment method you should choose, is contingent on the type of iron present in water. So hence you need to develop a firm understanding of its types first.  To know which type of iron is lurking in the water, you need to run a test. Relax, it’s neither expensive nor requires you to be a chemist. All you need is some iron test strips - dip them in the water - and it will reveal the type as well as quantity of iron in the water.

How To Detect & Remove Different Types Of Iron?


  • Ferrous Iron:

 Iron in the form of Ferrous is ‘Soluble.’ It means that iron would be completely dissolved in the water. The presence of ferrous is undetectable - as the water appears perfectly crystal clear.  However, leaving a glass of ferrous containing water in open-air - sponsors precipitation. Leave it overnight in open-air and you will notice reddish-brown flakes, accumulated at the bottom of the glass. Both the taste and smell of ferrous water is rusty. 

  • Solution - Water Softeners:

 To filter out water from Ferrous, you need an ion exchange water softener. Not only, but these water softeners are also effective iron removal water treatment. But these softeners are quite great for removing water hardness.  Alternatively, if you already have soft water supply - then an ‘Oxiding Filter’ - is what you need. Whether you use an ion-exchange water softener or oxidizing filter - make sure to ‘Rust Out’ your filters often to remove iron contents! 

  • Ferric Iron:

 On the other hand, ‘Ferric’ is unsolvable. It’s iron in its oxidized foam. When present in water, the ferric gives a bright orange or red coloration. You don’t need to run any tests - as the color of the water is a clear indication - that water is contaminated with Ferric Iron. 

  • Solution

  • Sediment Filters:

 Unlike the Ferrous, the ferric iron is insoluble in water. It means, Ferric is present in water just like dirt and debris. You can not filter it out using an ion-exchange or oxidizing filter. The only way to purify water from the ferric is through a sediment filter! Sediment filters, along with dirt, debris, and cloudiness, also remove all the ferric content efficiently. While most people go for a traditional ‘Cotton Stringwound Sediment Filter’ for iron removal water treatment, the one with a micron rating is more preferable. 

  • Manganese Greensand:

 Another way to remove the ferric from water is by using the Manganese greensand - known to be a - powerful oxidizer. It removes ferric ions. But it requires an oxidizing agent to work. 

  • Birm:

 In alternative to manganese green seed, Brim - another oxidizer is also used. The positive aspect of the brim is that it works without oxidizing agents.  

  • Bacterial Iron:

 The third type of iron present in water is the ‘Bacterial Iron.’ If the water that you use, shows precipitation or looks cloudy - there is a strong chance - that you are dealing with bacterial iron.  The presence of bacterial iron gives water a bright red sludge appearance - that looks like tomato soup. This iron type is one of the nastiest types. Furthermore, the bacterial iron removal water treatment is tricky as well. 

  • Solution - KDF & Shock Chlorination:

 Bacterial Iron is when the bacteria in the water combines with the iron particle. To purify such water - you need something to kill all the micro-organisms. The two effective ways to treat bacterial iron contaminated water is via Sock chlorination and KDF - a bacteriostatic media. While shock chlorination requires chlorine, KDF is the best way to boost chlorine reduction claims.


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