Best ways for iron removal from water

"Everything in excess is opposed to nature." Iron found in water is beneficial and harmful for human health depends on the extent of contents. The low iron content rate in water exhibits advantageous effects on human health. High content presence makes the water reddish and unsafe for drinking. There are two forms of iron in the water exhibiting two different effects on human health. The soluble iron ferrous presence in water keeps water transparent. Whereas, the presence of insoluble ferric in water makes it's reddish and also not considered as the safe drinking water. Exposure of water to air containing the insoluble ferric led to sediments less dissolve-able in water. Iron is, overall, an aesthetic contaminant good for overall health. But the reddish iron water is not safe for drinking purposes. So, here are the best ways for iron removal from water. 

Test your water 

Before you seek for best ways for iron removal from water, it is admissible to test your water. Testing the water for iron, notice the Ph level of water. The acidity of water because of the Ph level below 6.5 initiates a need for iron removal from water. If you are experiencing the reddish color of water, then you must go for checking the source. Corrosion in water pipes and supplies must be inspected on time to reduce the harmful effects of iron on drinking water. 

Laboratory analysis 

The checking of water by applying different chemical composition is necessary to check the extent of harmful effects in water. Laboratory analysis comprising of treatment solutions and test checks for iron bacteria, hardness, iron concentration, and alkalinity in water. The certified laboratories help the water samples kit you in performing testing for iron contents in water. Follow simple steps mentioned in the samples kit guide and check for iron. After you found the content ratio, only then you should proceed for the best ways for iron removal from water. 

Why is it essential to remove the high contents of iron from water? 

As we mentioned earlier, excess of everything is bad. So, low iron contents in water are beneficial. But high contents of iron start feeding the bacteria. Drinking water with the high presence of iron contents leads to nausea, heaviness, hemochromatosis, vomiting, stomach problems, and diabetes. Here are the best ways for iron removal from water. 

Make your tap water safe

Here is the list of treatment methods to fade the harmful effects of water from tap water. 

Manganese Greensand/Filtration

It is one of the methods which utilizes filtration and oxidation for reducing the manganese, iron, and hydrogen sulfide from tap water. It follows the formulated glauconite greensand to remove the harmful contents from water by considering the adequate presssure. 


Adding chemical agents to the water to make the iron insoluble can also prevent iron inducing the negative impact on tap water. Before performing this treatment method test for chemical agents. This method follows the procedure of the removal of iron and sequestering agents. It is good, but it does not remove the reddish color from water.  

Catalytic filtration

Because of the settled particles at the bottom, tap water starts showing a rusty, yellow color. It is all due to Insoluble red water ferric iron. Catalytic filtration is suitable for iron removal. But it would be best if you take care of the temperature, organic matter, dissolved oxygen, chlorination, and alkalinity. 

Water softener

The presence of tannins and organic iron in water is harmful, and only the water softeners help us to remove these from our tap water. Water softeners do a fantastic job by removing the organic iron from water by utilizing the activated carbon. All you need to take care of it to keep the system airtight. It also helps to reduce the corrosive nature of water. 

Chemical oxidation and filtration 

The most accepted method of iron filtration from water is oxidation, followed by filtration. If concentrations of iron and manganese in water is higher than 10 mg/l, then there is no other best option for iron removal other than chemical oxidation and filtration. For the tap water filtration in homes, chemicals such as chlorine and oxidants such as hydrogen peroxide help in removing iron from water. 


It is crucial to keep check and balance of water supplies in your home. Without water there is no life, so you must take care of the ways which provide you with safe drinking water. All the above treatment methods must be performed with care. We suggested the best ways, but before adopting them thoroughly, study the guides and, after that, complete the filtration. Not only these but also the aeration/ filtration and ozonation are also good for iron removal. Natureswater helps you in getting rid of water contaminants in Ireland. We come up with the best filtration device and water testing methods. For more queries, contact us


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