8 ways - Tap Water can Damage Your Health

Tap water is harmful to you in many ways. So many impurities that are undetected are ending up in the pipelines of water. Other equipment like faucets etc Tap Water Damage Health., also get exposed to nasty chemicals that can lead to cause damage to your health. The water filter system helps in cleaning water, but you cannot rely on tap water. Chlorine is used excessively to clean the water, kills pathogens, and germs. But when it is combined with organic compounds, chlorine can create harmful by-products as in result. THMs (trihalomethanes) is a chemical group formed as a by-product that is linked with cancer risk and kidney problems. A lower level of chlorine can expose the consumer to giardia – a parasite that causes nausea, diarrhea, and cramps. Here are 8 ways your tap water can damage your health:

1) Metal Poisoning

Heavy metals are found in the earth that can easily seep into the water inside the ground. If these metals are consumed in large amounts it can cause major health problems. Commonly found metal residues in tap water include arsenic, cadmium, iron, lead, copper, mercury, and Zinc.Normally hard water contains a large amount of traces of these metals. Tap water can be contaminated with such metals that cause metal poisoning, result in nerve damage, memory loss, diarrhea, or even muscle cramps based on the metallic intake.

2)  Industrial waste Contamination

People living near chemical refineries, industries. Or other plants that can possibly contaminate the water of the area, affecting the supply to the rest of the parts in a country. The disposal companies, mining, or manufacturing plants are contaminating the water from decades by disposing of their waste products into the oceans. This results in groundwater pollution as well. The worst seeping into the water supply includes lead and arsenic that is the way to injurious to your health. Consuming direct tap water with filtration causes you a serious health problem.

3) Lead causing Behavioral Change

Old piping structures and junctions have a greater chance to receive seep and contaminate water easily. That we use in our daily life for different purposes. Lead from corroding joints or pipes can easily be mix into the water. A small amount of lead does not affect much but the constant exposure to it can cause symptoms especially in children. It includes lower IQ, slow learning problems, or growth.

4) Legionnaires disease

Legionnaire’s disease is a worse form of pneumonia-causing lung inflammation, muscular pain, and shortness of breath, chills, and even headaches. Additionally, fever, chest pain, and other symptoms can also be observed. The disease is caused by the exposure of a bacteria named Legionella, present in aerosolized water – present in water filters, ice machines, showerheads, or in water heaters.Legionnaire’s disease is a worse form of pneumonia-causing lung inflammation, muscular pain, and shortness of breath, chills, and even headaches. Additionally, fever, chest pain, and other symptoms can also be observed. The disease is caused by the exposure of bacteria.  which named Legionella, present in aerosolized water.  Present in water filters, ice machines, showerheads, or in water heaters.

5) Fluoride causing Neural damage

Fluoride is useful for healthy teeth. It can be added to the public supply of water to prevent tooth decay. But according to researchers’ recent study, water containing fluoride relates to immune, neurons, and gastrointestinal damages.

6) Blue Baby Syndrome

Blue baby syndrome or Methemoglobinemia is a syndrome that occurs in infants when they do not get enough oxygen as required in their blood. To excess exposure to nitrate, the hemoglobin responsible to carry oxygen in the blood, converted into methemoglobin, prohibiting the oxygen to carry with it. Adults have a better enzyme mechanism that converts the methemoglobin back into hemoglobin. But infants cannot produce such enzymes that led to dangerous scenarios if not treated on time. The access exposure to nitrate can cause permanent brain damage or even death of the child.

7) Radioactive Substances

Drilling, mining, or other constructions and disruptions to the surface of the earth can release substances that are radioactive in nature like uranium, radon, and radium. These elements can easily be mixed with the groundwater and able to make a way to your pipeline by seeping through it. There are different areas where these elements are in abundance and others in rare forms. Water companies are bound to clear the water from such elements, but you need to clean your tap water with a water filter system of your own.

8) Copper in Abundance is Bad

Copper is a naturally occurring substance present in our environment. In a low amount, copper is good for the proper function of the human body. But, excess level of copper can trigger some serious issues and side effects including irritation of the eyes, nose or mouth, diarrhea, nausea, or even stomach cramps Tap Water Damage Health.In some cases, it was observed that a high level of copper exposure in the body leads to death. 


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